Get in touch
Get in Touch
Please feel free to reach out with any and all questions or comments.
We do our best to respond to each submission within a timely manner.
No matter if you are looking to collaborate, book shows, provide feedback, or just say hi!
Daz is also available on any of the social networks provided, but this works as well!
We love hearing from everybody! However, if you are looking for some quick general answers, the expandable sections to the right are a great start!
If there are more questions please feel free to reach out!
Daz is always happy to explore collaborations in any capacity! Get in touch with the form above or on socials and lets get the ball rolling!
Book a Show
Daz loves a boogie! Get in touch using the form above or on socials about your gig. Daz currently is in located in western Canada & will consider any function, large or small!
Please provide feedback on any topic to help Daz! We love hearing from you and the only way we can improve is to hear from you, positive or negative! While the music and Daz will always stay true, we understand there can be times when other things are getting in the way of true frothing!